" ITREALMS: OGUNFEMI: Empowering the ICT sub-sector

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

OGUNFEMI: Empowering the ICT sub-sector


By Remmy Nweke

Nigeria is one country that has been bit by the bug of brain drain. Some of her brightest brains are out there in other worlds, eking out a living and helping in developing the economies of various countries where they reside.

It is for this reason that many of them are being called upon today to come back and help in the current economic, political and social regeneration that the country is passing through. Both the Nigerian Diaspora Organisation (NDO) and President Olusegun Obasanjo have had cause of enjoining such technocrats, intellectuals and industrial experts to come home and help.

Only few have heeded this patriotic outreach and call. One of them is Dr. Olasupo Ogunfemi a fellow, Chartered Accountants (FCA) Nigeria and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who resided in the United States before he came back to consummate his dream of aiding the country’s quick rebirth.

Currently, the chief executive, Digital Bridge Institute (DBI) Abuja,Dr Ogunfemi has held several senior and executive management positions, including running an audit firm, before the phlegm of patriotism overpowered him.

He came with the strong belief to have his name engraved in the hall of fame of those who changed the face of development in the country in the 21st century, particularly in the telecommunications sector.

This came soon after the 1999 return of democracy and the year 2000 deregulation of the telecommunications sector, which was seen, as upper most in the scheme of Obasanjo’s administration.

It was the Executive Vice Chairman, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Dr. Ernest Ndukwe who cried out loud that there is lack of local manpower in the ICT sector, to grow the industry then.

This cry curried the sympathy of the presidency, which through the Ministry of Communications established the DBI. By 2004, May 20, to be precise, the board of NCC translated this vision into visible action, paving the way for the likes of Ogunfemi to take bold steps in serving his fatherland.

Just only one year in the saddle, there was need for Ogunfemi and DBI to roll out drums for celebration, given the number of collaborations achieved within this short time.

At DBI, he has been able to develop a dependable human resource workforce,

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