" ITREALMS: Visafone to generate 5000 jobs

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Visafone to generate 5000 jobs

One of the emerging telecommunications operators to watch in the sector for 2008, Visafone, has reiterated its resolve to generate an estimated 5,000 jobs within the first three years of its operation.

Reaffirming this resolve, the chief executive, Visafone, Mr. Ninan Thomas in a chat with newsmen recently, said that the wholly owned Nigerian telecommunications company founded by Jim Ovia, is positioned to empower locals by providing them with seamless communications and data services while providing jobs for educated and qualified Nigerians.

He also said that the company which is gearing up for launch is planning not just a pan-Nigerian coverage when it finally rolls out commercially, but plans to reduce unemployment market in the country by over 5,000.

Visafone, he said, is not just in the business to help Nigerians talk and communicate, but “We’re committed to building both infrastructural and human capacity by providing employment for educated and suitably qualified Nigerians.”

Mr. Thomas reiterated promise by the management of Visafone to redefine the business of ‘talk and communication.’

He assured that Visafone would offer the best in terms of Quality of Service namely “voice clarity, seamless connectivity, wide coverage, mobile, 3G high speed data (EVDO) and a host of fantastic value added services.”

“Our overriding plan is to act as a spring board for Nigeria’s economic growth and development,” he declared.

And to achieve this, Mr. Thomas pointed out that the telco would assist in fast tracking growth and development through the provision of cutting edge communications infrastructure.

“An efficient service that will ensure excellent customer service, unequalled clarity, the widest coverage and seamless connectivity,” he asserted.

Champion Infotel recalls that Visafone incorporated on June 20, last year came in handy soon after to acquire Cellcom and promptly got a Unified Access Service licence from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on August 1, 2007.

Just as Visafone in less than two months after its registration was proclaimed the approved bidder for the three carriers in the 800 Mega Hertz (MHz) spectrum put on auction by the NCC.

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oladapo felix said...

kudos to the ceo mr jim ovia for giving more opportunities to the jobless nigerian more grease to visafone how i wish if i can be employed as a Rigger am 5 years experience Rigger.

cyril2000 said...


Chizzy said...

Which 5,000 jobs? And for who? All you want is for people who are already employed to change base to your operation! There are no jobs available! Don't say that. Those of us who are qualified but not with as much work experience don't even stand a chance, even with all the training we've received by paying to take extra courses outside our already certified, pretty good CVs, you still turn us away at your doorsteps without even giving us a chance to show or prove how good we are and how much better we can get with little or no supervision! This is painful1 After we suffer for this country in the name of youth service, we can't come back and get good jobs that will ensure us and those who depend on us of a good and bright future, not ahead, but right before our noses. I am a qualified computer scientist, but what does that mean to you? Nothing. It's just a sheet of paper after school, right? How will we get the job experience if there's no place to get it from since every reputable, reliable, and relatively good company wants to employ someone with "experience"? How? Please give us the chance to prove we are worth the risk. Life is all about taking risks, isn't that what they say? Finally, in the Nigerian slang, HABA!

Unknown said...

Greetings all!
I was on my way to get some Generic Viagra
when I encountered your fabulous site, By the way, 5000 jobs is such a great deal of opportunities!

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