" ITREALMS: ISP spoofing-8

NLNG global

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

ISP spoofing-8

Market Intelligence:

The remainder of this article describes the means of collecting packet traces to allow the packets actually transmitted between two users to be compared in this way.

Spoofing need not involve preventing or blocking communications; it could also involve changing their content, as with a transparent proxy.

Some ISPs have been experimenting with modifying HTML in third-party web pages on the fly in order to inject advertising.

Here is a recent real-world example:

In this image supplied by Chris Palmer, a wireless ISP has modified the source code of Google’s home page to add its own advertising, presumably by spoofing packets with a transparent HTTP proxy. Although similar behaviour often results from adware, in this instance Palmer verified that the ISP was at fault by installing a fresh instance of Windows inside a virtual machine.


Step 1. Install Wireshark

Download a copy of Wireshark for your platform from the Wireshark home page at http://www.wireshark.org/. (Wireshark is also prepackaged for most Unix-like operating systems and may be available from your distributor’s package repository.

In older operating system releases, it may still be packaged under its former name, Ethereal.) Install Wireshark and make sure that you can run the programme.

Step 2. Connect directly to the Internet:

In order to obtain the most valid and conclusive results, we strongly recommend that your computer be directly connected to the Internet, with a globally valid public IP address, without any firewalls or network address translation (NAT) routers.

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