" ITREALMS: Teledom unveils Smart Classroom Technology

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Monday, May 07, 2012

Teledom unveils Smart Classroom Technology

As the three-day West Africa Congress on Information and Communications Technology (WAFICT-2012) opens in Lagos, Teledom International Limited unveils its latest in stock Smart Classroom Technology.

The Group Chief Executive Officer, TeledomGroup, Dr. Emmanuel Ekuwem affirmed this in a press statement made available to ITRealms Online, saying it would give a boost to the educational sector in the country.

He says smart classroom technology affords the teacher to think smart, teach smart, create smart and innovate smart.

He also said that students are bound to learn in a smart way, exciting and great fun wherever this smart classroom in installed.

He explained that the systems involves the networking of students’ desktop or laptop systems in the class to the touch-screen sympodium which transfers whatever the teacher writes to an interactive whiteboard in front of the class.

“What the teacher writes is recorded centrally in the sympodium server as well as in each of the students’ desktop or laptop computers,” he enlightened.

Ekuwem noted that in the recent past, the education sector in Nigeria has been experiencing decline in standards, stressing that teachers have complained about the lack of basic infrastructure and conducive or enabling environment for effective teaching amongst other challenges.
He pointed out that experts have noted that an average Nigerian child, if exposed to the type of learning environment his counterparts in developed countries have access to, would definitely perform better than what obtains today.

“Apart from the incessant breaks in the school system due to industrial disputes between teachers and the government, the classrooms in an average Nigerian school lack modern equipment and teaching aids to make learning a pleasure and excitement,” he decried.

Ekuwem further said that with the introduction of the smart classroom, a large part of the challenges has been dealt with.

“With the smart classroom system, the teacher fully engages the students’ attention as the multi-media equipment bombards the students’ senses for higher stimulation” he said.

Ekuwem emphasised that this Smart Classroom technology allows the teacher to produce and modify resources quickly and easily, thereby permitting real time access to internet-based information and resources as well as allowing access to a wide range of information in different formats.

The technology enables easy revision through recorded lectures for date-and-time-specific playback on laptops, Personal Computers (PCs), and Digital Video Disc (DVD) players.

“With the recorded class sessions for future playback, complacency on the part of teachers is eradicated, resulting in reasonable improvements in the method of teaching and quality of what is taught,” he suggested.

According to him, apart from the automation of the learning process which smart classroom brings makes the model teacher to keep teaching forever as the recorded materials could be relied upon even in the absence of the teacher.

Remmy Nweke

ITREALMS Online ... delivering news for ICT4D


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