" ITREALMS: August 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Join Etisalat Innovation contest, urges Steven Evans

Brief: ‘Etisalat Prize for Innovation’ Award seeks to reward corporate organisations; small and growing businesses as well as individuals developing advanced mobile broadband solutions and platforms in Africa.

Here are some highlights of ‘Etisalat Prize for Innovation’ to reward the most innovative existing mobile broadband product or service in Africa, according to the chief executive officer, Mr. Steven Evans.
The award, according to the chief executive officer, Mr. Steven Evans, would be one of the
1. Holding @ 15th annual AfricaCom Conference scheduled to take place in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2012.
2. Two categories, namely for driving or facilitating mobile broadband use on the continent of Africa.
3. The first prize of $25,000 is for the most innovative product or service launched in the last 12 months
4. Second prize of $10,000 for the most innovative idea
5. Entries opened Thursday 16th of August till the 6th of September 2012

ITREALMS Online ... delivering news for ICT4D

2012 Blog Action Day gets date

Bloggers all over the world are gearing up for the 2012 Blog Action Day (BAD) which has now been fixed for October 15, 2012, this year.

The event, which comes with the theme “The Power of We” while bloggers could also use the #powerofwe hashtag, and invited registrations for Blog Action Day.

Explaining the theme for this year, the coordinators, said that the firstly, the popularity of the subjects Community, Equality, Transparency/Anti-Corruption and Freedom, in the theme poll have ran via Facebook and Twitter, over the last few weeks.
Secondly, “we felt that Blog Action Day needed to reflect the ever growing movements of people working together for positive social change.”

Whether using digital tools like blogs, social networks and mobiles, or meeting face to face in local community halls, neighbours house, and public streets, that greater numbers of people have been coming together to make change, either for their own communities or the world at large.
For the team at Blog Action Day, they see The Power of We as a celebration of people working together to make a positive difference in the world, and hope participants take part actively.
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