" ITREALMS: ICANN’s CROPP takes off in FY14

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

ICANN’s CROPP takes off in FY14

The recently approved ICANN FY14 Operating Plan and Budget (FY14 OPP) includes some expanded resources for outreach, otherwise known as the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Programme (CROPP) as part of capacity-building efforts by internet communities, reports DigitalSENSE Business News.

The ICANN Board and Senior Staff recognized in the financial year 2014 (FY14) OPP that, while organization-wide efforts to develop a comprehensive ICANN outreach strategy.
DigitalSENSE Business News also reports that ICANN plans to give individual communities some immediate flexible support to start or continue targeted outreach efforts that support specific community outreach or recruitment strategies.

In an effort to provide that support as soon as possible and to test whether such a resource can be effectively and consistently managed on an organization-wide basis, staff was directed to develop – as a pilot program - a community regional outreach trip programme to be made available to regional At-Large organizations and non-contract Generic Name Supporting Organisation (GNSO) constituencies.

DigitalSENSE Business News gathered that based on the foregoing, ICANN recognizes that the formal FY14 OPP was approved almost two months into the fiscal year, staff reportedly worked hard over the last several weeks to develop a pilot programme framework that is “implementable” in the short term and “assessable” over the long term.
To this extend, DigitalSENSE Business News reports that a detailed overview of this new Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) shows ICANN has created a new wiki workspace in addition to administer the programme.   

Further, DigitalSENSE Business News reports that in according with the FY14 OPP directive to CROPP provides a framework in which each of the 5 At Large Regional Organisations (RALOS) and each of the 5 GNSO non-contract Constituencies will have available 5 "regional" (three-day) outreach trips in FY14.

The specific processes for how these resources are to be made available are set forth in the attached overview document and in the wiki workspace.

Three critical components of the programme include specific pre-trip approval standards such as flexibly administered by community-based leadership and ICANN Regional Vice Presidents; post-trip reviews and assessments and finally an overall spirit of transparency by which all ICANN community members could observe the implementation of the programme.

Remmy Nweke
ITREALMS Online ... delivering news for ICT4D
Pix: Steve Crocker, ICANN board chairman

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