" ITREALMS: Privacy accreditation: GNSO calls for volunteers to develop policy

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Friday, November 08, 2013

Privacy accreditation: GNSO calls for volunteers to develop policy

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council is seeking volunteers to serve on a Working Group (WG) to develop policy recommendations on issues relating to the accreditation of privacy and proxy service providers for domain name registrations.

ITRealms the Working Group is tasked to provide the GNSO Council with a set of recommendations regarding issues identified during the recently-concluded negotiations for the new 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), including recommendations made by law enforcement and GNSO working groups.

Mostly expected to address by the WG are issues not covered during the negotiations and otherwise suited for a Policy Development Process (PDP); specifically, issues relating to the accreditation of privacy and proxy services.

Specific issues to be discussed to be addressed are detailed in the WG’s charter, even as interested parties could join the WG, to contact the GNSO secretariat at gnso.secretariat@icann.org.

ITRealms notes that in October 2011, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board initiated negotiations with the Registrars Stakeholder Group for a new form of RAA, and simultaneously requested an Issue Report from the GNSO on issues not covered by the negotiations and otherwise suited for a PDP.
The Final Issue Report was published in March 2012, and recommended that the GNSO commence its PDP as soon as possible after receiving a report that the negotiations were concluded.

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