" ITREALMS: ISOC takes survey on African ccTLDs

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Sunday, December 01, 2013

ISOC takes survey on African ccTLDs

ITRealms  Exclusive!

The Internet Society (ISOC) has commenced survey on African country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs), ITRealms exclusively reports.

The African Regional Bureau Director, Internet Society (ISOC) Mr. Dawit Bekele revealed this to ITRealms, requested that completing the online questionnaire that takes at most 15 minutes of your time.

“The study aims at helping the development of a program to assist African ccTLDs understand their market and better compete in the industry,” he said.
Pointing out that input will be kept confidential and only aggregated information will be shared.

ISOC, he said, is also happy to inform that, as a respondent, qualify for a lottery that might win a Samsung Galaxy SIII mini mobile phone by completing the questionnaire before December 6, 2013.

“Don’t forget to give your email address in the questionnaire in order to participate to the lottery,” he said.

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Pix: BobHinden-ISoc BoT chairman


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