" ITREALMS: NCC introduces broadband essay for students

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

NCC introduces broadband essay for students


The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) inaugural essay on broadband for students has been launched, reports ITRealms.
The commission in a public notice made available to ITRealms stated that the exercise is a nationwide essay competition, which this year should be on “Broadband: A Catalyst for National Development.”
Students, ITRealms gathered are expected to scan and attach their pictures on the right side corner of the registration form for the contest.
Also, NCC urges students to ensure that the information they provide on the form help the Commission prepare for their participation.
In addition, the two-page form require students to fill-in their surname, first name and middle name with date of birth, sex, electronic mail (email) address and physical address in the section 1 of the participant information.
The section two, ITRealms gathered is for institution’s details, which entails name of the institution, matriculation number of participating student, faculty and department, as well as course of study and year of study.
The registration form, ITRealms report, must be endorsed by the head of department of participating student with his or her name, signature and official stamp.
This, ITRealms reports that NCC intends that the institution certifies the form with a declaration, which states inter alia: “We certify that this long essay has been written by the student in accordance with the rules. We further agree to accept the judge’s evaluation of this research as final.”
While the student is expected to accept an undertaking which states in part:  This is to certify that this essay titled ‘Broadband: A Catalyst for National Development’ has been written and submitted by me to the Nigerian Communications Commission for consideration in the nationwide essay competition.
“The work being submitted is my original work and that where applicable references to other materials/sources have been duly acknowledged.”
The student would further endorse the undertaking with his or her name, matriculation number, signature and date before submission or entry would be dully accepted.

  +Remmy Nweke +Remmy Nweke (ITRealms) @@NGRCommTech @NgComCommission @ITU

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1 comment:

Hugtech said...

We are looking forward to NCC bringing broadband to Students.There is the need to bring broadband internet access to young Nigerians especially students in higher institutions of learning in the country.Well the essay is a good one at least to stimulate their intellect.

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