" ITREALMS: Catholic Communicators condemns attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Catholic Communicators condemns attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris

The World Catholic Association for Communication (SIGNIS) has condemned unequivocally the terrible attack on the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris on 7 January, 2015, reports ITRealms.

SIGNIS also confirmed to ITRealms that they extended deepest sympathy to the families, friends and colleagues of the journalists and other victims. 

“They are in our thoughts and prayers,” the group stated in a press statement made available to ITRealms from its Belgium office.
“We join with the Holy Father and representatives of all religions who have condemned this attack and the actions of all those who spread hatred, fear and violence, which in the words of Pope Francis, “destroys human life, violates the dignity of the person, radically undermines the fundamental good of peaceful coexistence between individuals and peoples, despite differences of nationality, religion and culture” part of the statement from SIGNIS read.

As communicators, ITRealms gathered that SIGNIS reaffirmed its commitment to work for a culture of peace which respects the life and dignity of everyone.
“We also reiterate our support for the fundamental principle of freedom of expression and for all those journalists around the world who face the threat of death or injury in carrying out their profession,” they reassured.

SIGNIS, therefore called on all people of good will to join hands to help build a world where those of all cultures and faiths may live and work together in peace.

+Remmy Nweke (ITRealms) +Charlie Hebdo +signis western

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