" ITREALMS: March 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

2015 polls: President Jonathan congratulates Buhari


President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan on Tuesday evening conceded defeat and congratulated the Presidential candidate of the opposition party, General Muhammed Buhari (rtd), reports ITRealms.

According to ITRealms resource, President Jonathan extended his congratulation via a telephone conversation at 5:50pm, analysts said the immediacy with which President Jonathan conceded was to avert any form of violence in the country.

ITRealms recalls that Jonathan was the Presidential candidate of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) while Gen. Buhari stood in for the All Progressive Congress (APC) in the March 28, 2015 Presidential elections held across Nigeria, the most populous black nation.

Although ITRealms gathered that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is yet to declare any of the 14 presidential candidates a winner based on the final result, at the time of filing this report, political and public analysts alluded the conceding by President Jonathan to the fact that most of the results up to 30 states out of the 36 states have been released by the INEC State Collation Officers, who are mainly Vice Chancellors of various universities in the country.

Also, analysts posited, President Jonathan is living out his words that no Nigerian blood is worth his political ambition, hence, he quickly conceded to avert any political upheavals.

Political commentators have started already to also eulogise President Jonathan for conceding, saying that is the mark of a good leader, even as it could be read that Nigerians have conducted themselves during the 2015 elections.

ITRealms reports that with this action by Mr. President, has not silenced any form of rejection of the electoral results, which lured its presence earlier in the day when PDP stalwart, Mr. Godsdey Orubebe openly challenged the INEC leadership on allegation of favouritism and ethnically bias in support of APC.

Also, the president-elect, General Buhari has called on his supporters to see the outcome of the election as victory for all Nigerians.

Speaking through the APC publicity secretary, Alhaji Lia Mohammed, urged supporters to remain calm and peaceful, warning they must not destroy properties or lives, especially those belonging to the PDP supporters.

ITREALMS ... delivering news for development

Catholic Bishops want Jega to probe denial of election observer ID

Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has called on the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to quickly probe its denial of the 2015 election observer identity cards, reports ITRealms.

The Bishops in a preliminary statement on the 2015 general elections, made available to ITRealms and endorsed by the duo of Chairman Church and Society, Bishop Lucius Ugorji of Umuahia Diocese and President of CBCN, Archbishop Ignatius A. Kaigama, the Archbishop of Jos, noted the importance of the probe so as to note to spoil the good image of INEC.

“We call on the INEC chairman Prof Atahiru Jega to investigate what happened in order to not rubbish the good works he has put into building the credibility of INEC,” they said. 

The Bishops emphasized the fact that election observation by civil society organisations has the added value of enhancing the credibility and acceptability of election results.

According to the Bishops with regards to 2015 general elections, they received accreditation for Justic, Development and Peace Center (JDPC), under the auspices of Caritas Nigeria, which is it’s relief and development agency. 

The lamented that contrary to expectations, INEC could not fulfill its obligation of providing enough identity cards to all the approved list of observers, in spite of the extension of six weeks. 

For instance, they pointed that whereas in Lagos State the JDPC planned to deploy 697 observers, as already approved by INEC, the Commission could only provide 160 identity cards, and similarly shortchanged Abuja, Warri, Uyo, and towns in Benue. 

INEC, the Bishops said was not able to print any identity cards for Bauchi, Jalingo, Nsukka, Lafia, Kaduna, Kano; all this, after accrediting JDPC and approving 5189 number of observers. 

“INEC refused all entreaty to use alternative means of identification,” the Bishops Conference said.

+Remmy Nweke (ITRealms)
ITREALMS ... delivering news for development

Tonto Dikeh’s domain name for sale

The world's largest domain name registrar, GoDaddy, is offering TontoDikeh.com, previously owned by Nigerian actress, Tonto Dikeh for sale, reports ITRealms.

Investigations by ITRealms, showed that the domain name, tontodikeh.com may have expired without renewal, hence GoDaddy is offering it for sale.

This has made it possible for anyone who dares to click on the domain name to be shown a banner saying welcome to tontodike.com and that this web page has been parked by GoDaddy.com.

The banner also offers interested buyers the option of taking over the domain with a link to Domain Buy Service.

GoDaddy says it is as old as the Internet itself, as it was born to give people an easy, affordable way to get their ideas online. 

Today, GoDaddy has more than 13 million customers around the world, but its goal is much the same. 

“We’re here to help people easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. In short, to help them kick ass, online and off!” officials said.

+Remmy Nweke (ITRealms) 
ITREALMS ... delivering news for development

Monday, March 30, 2015

Telcos, companies close shops in Lagos over 2015 presidential result

Major telecommunications companies in the country alongside other corporate organistions were under lock and key on Monday in anticipation of the 2015 presidential poll results, as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) finalises collation, reports ITRealms.

Our reporters who went round town, especially in the city of Lagos, gathered that major corporates, like the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) companies shut their doors to administrative activities, while others closed between two and three hours before their normal closing hours.

However, their customer care centres were open.

Investigations by ITRealms, showed that the likes of Etisalat Nigeria did not open its administrative office at Oriental Hotel complex, Lekki  Expressway, Lagos for business, while MTN Communications Nigeria advised staff to leave office about two hours before normal closure time.

At the Ikeja Shopping Mall, ITRealms gathered, it was devoid of regular human traffic as visitors would be barely be counted on finger tips.

As such many shopping plazas across the city of Lagos were not in full operations.

+Remmy Nweke (ITRealms)
ITREALMS ... delivering news for development

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