" ITREALMS: Our two-point agenda on African development by LDRI boss

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Our two-point agenda on African development by LDRI boss

The Executive Director of Kenyan-based Local Development Research Institute (LDRI), Mr. Muchiri Nyaggah, has explained the two-point agenda of the organization for the Africa development, reports ITRealms.

Speaking in Abidjan, the Cote D’Iviore capital at a workshop hosted by the Africa Media Initiative (AMI) in collaboration with World Bank, the LDRI boss, Mr. Muchiri Nyaggah said the institute’s two-point agenda include focus on agricultural transformation in Africa and strengthening statistical development on the continent.

“We have two general focus areas through agricultural transformation and strengthening statistical development in Africa,” he said.

Nyaggah said that Africa’s approach to reducing by half those living in extreme poverty by 2025, ending hunger and boosting trade is anchored on the realisation of agriculture-led industrialisation.
This, he said, calls for a transformation of agriculture that would contribute to wealth creation, poverty alleviation, improved food and nutrition security, improvements in reach and quality of productive safety nets and realisation of ecosystem and social system resilience.

LDRI, he said also supports the efforts of the African Union in making to achieve the goals in the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agriculture Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods.

This Malabo Declaration, Nyaggah said, is implemented under the NEPAD Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP).

On the second focused area on ‘Strengthening Statistical Development in Africa’ Nyaggah pointed out that the capability of the African data ecosystem to collect and disseminate data on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and AU’s Agenda 2063 indicators remain a challenge, which if not properly addressed, poses a clear danger to the achievement of the goals.

As said by him, the number of indicators and level of disaggregation required poses an unprecedented challenge for many governments and stakeholders, therefore, to ensure Africans know which indicators have data or do not and in which countries, LDRI promises to conduct multi-year studies on the availability, quality and accessibility of data and statistics in Africa.

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