" ITREALMS: Presidency: Kolade faults quality of communications


Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Presidency: Kolade faults quality of communications

The elder statesman and former ambassador to the United Kingdom (UK), Dr Christopher Kolade has condemned the poor quality of communication emanating from the Presidency, citing the “rodents” issue as an example of “unedifying communication,” reports ITRealms.

Kolade, former Chairman of Cadbury Nigeria and former chancellor of Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, spoke on “The Pursuit of Excellence” at the first annual lecture of the Cadbury Nigeria Alumni Association,  a gathering of former employees of the FMCG firm, held at the weekend in Lagos.

He decried the regression of professionalism across many sectors in Nigeria, citing lack of trust as one of the factors for the continued strikes across many areas.

Kolade, a renowned communication professional and former Director General of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, noted, “We should not be too embarrassed to mention the shortage of excellence in the quality of communication in governance, as we recall that, not too long ago, the nation’s President arrived back from overseas, and decided that he would work from home for a few days.

He wondered why anyone has to explain that to Nigeria, pointed out that the President’s home  in this context is only a few metres away from his office, and “he, like you and me, is eminently free to decide where he will physically sit for the successful performance of his duties.’

He described the explanation that rodents had displaced the head of state from his exalted office space, for the maintenance of which the nation makes generous allocations of human and financial resources in every annual budget!

“Would the announcer of that information proudly display that to other members of his professional constituency as an example of best practice in edifying communication,” he decried.

Ogo Nebenanya/GEE
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