" ITREALMS: 42% online purchases influenced by family, friends - ITREALMS


Tuesday, November 06, 2018

42% online purchases influenced by family, friends - ITREALMS

Out of the estimated 2 million online purchases made annually, 42 per cent said they were influenced by recommendations from family and friends, reports ITREALMS.

According to the WeAreTop10 latest research, says that online shoppers are more likely to buy due to a recommendation from family and friends over advertisement.

In addition, 42 per cent of these people, the search says have purchased due to a family recommendation.

Digital PR and Outreach manager at WeAreTop10, Rachel Troutman, informed ITREALMS that 87 per cent of shoppers cited price as a factor, and 80 per cent, will chose an item due to the speed of shipping as well as the costs.

The study also indicated that some 71 per cent of online shoppers are influenced by discount offers they receive online with seniors being the least influenced by discounts at 47 per cent.

Even as millennials and Gen Xers, the study said, are more often influenced by advertising than the older generations with 27 per cent, citing influence and 14 per cent, respectively.

“Online shoppers prefer products with pictures with 78 per cent, citing photos as influencing their purchasing behavior,” part of the study stated.

The study further revealed that females will spend more time looking for a deal online than their male counterparts with 60 per cent for females and 46 per cent for males. While 21 per cent of shoppers cited abandoning purchases due to hard to navigate websites.

Chuks Egbune/GEE

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Pix: Courtesy: WeAreTop10
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