" ITREALMS: NCS first President, Longe to lead dignitaries to 40th anniversary - ITREALMS

Monday, November 05, 2018

NCS first President, Longe to lead dignitaries to 40th anniversary - ITREALMS

The Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) is warming up to honour the first set of 40 registrants to be led by its first President, Prof. HOD Longe in commemoration of 40th year anniversary, reports ITREALMS.

Disclosing this to ITREALMS in Lagos, Friday, NCS National President, Prof Adesola Aderounmu, said the honour for the first 40 registrants will be in addition to recognition to its past presidents in the last 40 years.

He also recalled that the Nigeria Computer Society is 40 years old, based on the vision and aspirations of the pioneer members, who formed it in 1978 with the name, Computer Association of Nigeria (CAN).

ITREALMS equally recollected that CAN later changed to COAN as the umbrella body of all IT professionals in Nigeria.

“It was later changed to Nigeria Computer Society with the ammonisation of 2005 involving the Institute of Software Professionals of Nigeria (ISPON), COAN, Information Technology Association of Nigeria (ITAN) and Internet Service Providers Association of Nigeria (ISPAN),” he said.

Stressing that NCS has been growing and waxing stronger day by day and year by year with a lot of landmark and memorable achievements.

“Since it was launched in 1978, NCS has laid a very solid foundation for the country to have the level of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) awareness, use, applications and achievements we are witnessing today in all sectors of Nigerian economy and society,” Aderounmu said.

The 40th year honours, he said, would be held in the course of the 2018 Nigeria Information Technology Merit Awards (NITMA) scheduled for Naval Dunk Yard, Victoria Island, Lagos on 16th of November, this year.

NCS prides self as the umbrella association of IT professionals, interest groups and stakeholders in Nigeria’s tech sector.

Chuks Egbune/ED, Ops

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