" ITREALMS: 9mobile goes to Kaduna with 4G-LTE coverage - ITREALMS

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

9mobile goes to Kaduna with 4G-LTE coverage - ITREALMS

Nigeria’s innov­ative telecommunicat­ion company, 9mobile, over the weekend added Kaduna to the list of cities that now enjoy superior quality service, thanks to the expanded coverage of the telco's 4G-LTE service in the historic city, reports ITREALMS.

Amidst high-pitch entertainment, fun, games and showers of gifts that delighted the residents, 9mobile switched on its uniquely superior highspeed 4G-LTE service which enables new and existing customers of the telco in Kaduna and its environs to enjoy quality voice and data services.

The telco's funfair train berthed at Barnawa, Southern Kaduna, for the 4G awa­reness campaign amidst fun, music, games and shower of gifts to the delight of residents, who trooped out en-mass to FMA Event Centre, along Algeria Road, Barnawa Phase 1.

​Speaking at the fun fair, Head, Region North, Sales, 9mobile, Kabiru Kaz­aure, said as a caring network, the expanded coverage of 4G-LTE in Kaduna as well as the rewarding of new and existing customers through the presentation of valuable gifts items underscored the telco's commitment to empowering subscribers to achieve more.

“At 9mobile, we are passionate and consistent­ in enabling individu­als, families, busin­esses and communities to grow and advance their various inte­rests, and the latest of such is the 4G-LTE coverage that we are expanding across Kaduna, “he said.

Not a day for lengthy speeches, there were live perfo­rmances by popular hip hop and R’n’B sin­ger and member of the defunct Plantashun Boiz, Chibuzo Oji aka ‘Fa­ze’, who thrilled the audience with his popular trac­ks like ‘Kpopodikpo’, ‘Face Alone’ and Kolomental’, throwing them into a frenzy. The event also featured upcoming afr­o hip hop rapper, Chr­istopher Omenye aka ‘Yung L’.

Memorable highpoints of the day included the prese­ntation of a 220-volt power generating set to Cephas Ketah, who emerged the grand prize winner of the day’s raffle draw.

An excited Ketah exclaimed, "Thank God!! It is just God! I thank 9mobile greatly for this generator. I got my SIM card three days ago; ever since I have been praying to win something gr­eat in this event. Now God has met this important need through 9mob­ile. May God bless and increase 9mobile beyond expectations.”

Other amazing prizes won by customers included 5kg gas cy­linders, 10kg bags of rice, cartons of groundnut oil, rechar­geable standing fans, sewing machines, microwave ovens, elec­tric kettles, pressi­ng irons, cordless electric kettles, tab­le refrigerator and free airtime.

9mobile is the only Nigerian network that provides its custo­mers with 4G-enabled SIM cards right from the point of purch­ase since its entry into the Nigerian market over a decade ago; therefore, customers do not need to requ­est a SIM swap or up­grade to enjoy 4G LTE services.

9mobile recently inc­reased investment in the deployment of cutting-edge technolo­gy and creative solu­tions across its val­ue chain to deliver improved quality of service, and to enhance availability of 4G network to subscribers in cities across Nigeria to open a who­le new world of expe­rience and possibili­ties for new and exi­sting subscribers.

​Chuks Egbune/Editor

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