" ITREALMS: Philip Mshelbila emerges new NLNG's, to assume office August 2021 - ITREALMS


Friday, July 09, 2021

Philip Mshelbila emerges new NLNG's, to assume office August 2021 - ITREALMS

ITREALMS ... making leadership SENSE with digital news!

The board of directors of Nigeria LNG Limited (N LNG) at its last meeting approved the appointment of Dr. Philip Mshelbila as successor to Engr. Tony Attah, as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, reports 
Engr. Attah, ITREALMS gathered, will return to his parent company, Shell, on 30th August 2021 at the expiration of his five-year tenure at the helm of affairs.
ITREALMS recalls that Engr. Attah was appointed Chief Executive Officer by the NLNG Board in July 2016.

On the other hand, Dr. Mshelbila, who is rounding-up his tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad & Tobago, will be taking over from Engr. Attah on 31st August 2021.

ITREALMS recollects that NLNG is an incorporated Joint-Venture owned by four shareholders, namely, the Federal Government of Nigeria, represented by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (49 per cent), Shell Gas B.V. (25.6 per cent), Total Gaz Electricite Holdings France (15 per cent), and Eni International N.A. N.V. S.àr.l (10.4 per cent). Short URLs: goo.gl, mcaf.ee, cli.gs

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