" ITREALMS: Tribute to Nze Nwobi - ITREALMS


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Tribute to Nze Nwobi - ITREALMS

Tribute@ITREALMS ... making leadership SENSE with digital news!

Today is another opportunity for me to celebrate a rare personality.
On a day like this and by standard, he could probably be seen as a rare breed.
His lifestyle is similitude of a candle; burning himself up in order to give others light.

He uses his voice for kindness, his ears for compassion, his mind for the truth.

To those who are familiar with him, he could be likened to what Winston Churchill described as a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

He has the entire swagger that are his, coupled with a richly precocious mind, bursting with the rare combination of brilliance, confidence and compassion.

He is indeed the calm that defies the storm. Call him a consummate intellect, a leader of repute and a man who is ready at all times to identify with the proverbial common man and you won't be wrong.

When he speaks, his voice echoes and re-echoes with so much positive vibes.

Let's joyfully celebrate with Mazi Obinna Amaechina, aka NzeNwobi, on his birthday, for he is a jolly good fellow.

I wish him more prosperous years ahead!

*Contributed by Chris Uruakpa/Editor 

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