" ITREALMS: Restoring AASDU dignity with Nzuko Umunna - ITREALMS

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Restoring AASDU dignity with Nzuko Umunna - ITREALMS

ForTheRecords@ITREALMS ... making leadership SENSE with digital news!


1. Fellow Executives and Members of our great Association, Distinguished Members of the Fourth Estate of Realm. I welcome you all to this maiden media briefing of the New EXCO of Association of Anambra State Development Unions – AASDU Lagos.
2. The future of every society is in the hands of those who have the privilege to midwife the cultural values that shape the trends of daily events in that society. The actions and inactions of such people determine the place of that society among the comity of nations. Therefore, every generation of humans has a divine mandate to bequeath a comprehensively better society to the next generation.

3. As you are aware, Anambra State – The Light of the Nation - will be conducting a governorship election on November 6, 2021. The winner of that election automatically becomes the Chief Pilot of our collective destiny for the next four years. To us here in AASDU Lagos, that winner becomes the GRAND PATRON and the alter ego of our beloved association. Within this period, his actions and inactions will for so many years to come impact on the socio-economic wellbeing of the present, and yet to be born Anambrarians.

4. Established March 1988, AASDU has over the years partnered with successive administrations in the development of our beloved State. We have made substantial contributions to the governance of our dear State through mobilization of our people for electoral process, constructive engagements with the executive organs of the governments both here in Lagos and our home state.

5. Every occasion for governorship election in Anambra State is often important to us for two reasons; One, it gives us opportunity to choose just one person in whose hands we place our collective destiny. Two and more importantly, it gives us authority to choose someone we can be proud of as the grand patron of our revered association.

6. The present state of our nation today calls for circumspection in leadership selection. The socio-economic and political position of Anambra State in Nigeria is so strategic that any error in leadership emergence spells doom for the rest of the sister states. Being the Light of the Nation, an ideal governor of Anambra must in deed and in truth, be the light that lightens the way for others. Such leader must emerge from a peaceful process that is devoid of gangsterism, desperation and intimidation. That leader must come from within his people. We need a leader that has a track record of commitment to the greatest good of the greatest majority of our people. We need a leader that in thoughts and in actions puts his people first.

7. AASDU Lagos is the democratically elected umbrella body that coordinates, protects and projects the interest and welfare of all organized towns, social, trade and professional unions of Anambra State extraction based in Lagos State of Nigeria. We are home to the greatest number of Anambra Professionals in the Diasporas who exert significant influence as opinion leaders of their respective home communities. We have our tentacles down to the grass roots of the over one hundred and seventy seven (177) towns that make up Anambra State. We have a strategic duty to mobilize against any unbecoming electioneering behavior in the forthcoming November governorship election. 

We are as well determined to mobilize our people towards the right course of electoral actions. No doubt this is a great Forum for the candidates, through which they can reach the grassroots because of the capacity to swing significant voting patterns, judging from previous elections.

8. We are aware of some other emerging organizations parading themselves as representing the interests of indigenous Anambra people in Lagos. This is an abuse of freedom of association by people with pecuniary interests. AASDU Lagos is the only body registered with Corporate Affairs Commission to represent, protect and project the interest and wellbeing of Anambra people here in Lagos. Membership of AASDU belongs to the affiliated towns and professional unions who send in accredited representatives to sit in council meetings. Currently, AASDU has active membership strength of over one hundred and seventy seven (177) of such towns and associated unions. It has a Board of Trustees chaired by His Excellency, the eminent Chief Arthur Mbanefo MFR, CON; Odu of Onitsha (our pioneer President). Any incumbent Governor of Anambra State becomes the Grand Patron. The Anambra State Lagos Liaison Officer represents the Governor in all Council Meetings of the Association.

9. Part of the AASDU registered 9-point objectives is “to initiate, organize and execute programmes, activities and projects calculated to enhance at all times amiable brotherhood, harmony, unity, understanding and co-operation among its members and to promote social, cultural and economic well being and image of Anambra State in particular, and Nigeria in general”.

10. With the advantage of the dominant role Anambrarians in Lagos play, AASDU Lagos has a mission to restore the dignity of Anambra State and her citizens as the light of our nation. As such we engage in a number activities aimed at ensuring the corporate well being of our people. One of such engagements is our NZUKO UMUNNA scheduled to hold here in Lagos on Saturday October 9, 2021 with the flag bearers of the political parties contesting the November 6, 2021 Governorship election. The platform will provide the candidates with the opportunity to interact with the major influential stakeholders in the Anambra Project and by extension connection with the grassroots decision makers. Details of this will come up in the coming days.

11. We also have forum for engagements with our host government here in Lagos, the Centre of Excellence, on matters affecting us as law abiding residents. There has been a great deal of progressive partnership with the host government to ensure peaceful coexistence with fellow residents. We call for continuous cooperation and support of every Anambra indigene. We encourage them to join their respective town unions so as to be covered under the AASDU umbrella. We urge our people to be patriotic and law abiding at all times within the jurisdiction of our host State because our people say ebe onye bi ka o na-awachi.

12. Finally, we urge our people to think home at all times in line with our Aku Luo Uno philosophy. Remember ebe amulu onye ka amalu ya. This is our stand!

Thank you all.

*Contributed by Sir Amechi C. Ebeledike, FCA. President, AASDU Lagos.

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