" ITREALMS: UNESCO seeks comments on guidance document ahead of Internet for Trust - ITREALMS

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

UNESCO seeks comments on guidance document ahead of Internet for Trust - ITREALMS

ITREALMS ... making leadership SENSE with digital news!

The United Nations Education, Scientific and Children Organisation (UNESCO) has released the guidance document seeking comments ahead of the 2023 Internet for Trust slated for Paris, reports ITREALMS.
The global conference, Internet for Trust, a regulating digital platforms for information as a public good, ITREALMS gathered has been scheduled between February 21 and 23 at UNESCO headquarters.

ITREALMS also gathered that the 17-page guidance document is currently in English while Spanish and French would be made available after the current duration for comments, just before the conference.

"Guidance for regulating digital platforms: a multistakeholder approach”, ITREALMS equally gathered would form the focus of the global conference: Internet for Trust: Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good, Paris, 2023.

ITREALMS equally gathered that the document is now publicly available in the conference's website.

“We welcome your inputs and observations. The guidance for regulating digital platforms has the aim to supporting freedom of expression and the availability of accurate and reliable information in the public sphere,” sources at UNESCO said.

The deadline to receive all your inputs, UNESCO said, is 16 January 2023.

“Comments should be sent via email to internetconference@unesco.org. Please include as subject of your email : "Comments to guidance on Regulating Digital Platforms."

In addition, ITREALMS gathered that UNESCO released the procedures towards submitting inputs to the document to include but not limited to “Consult the guidance document on the conference website.

“When making your inputs, please refer to the number of the paragraph you are commenting on. All paragraphs in the document are numbered.

“Please provide as much detail as possible in your suggestion for consideration.

“If you include any references, please provide the source and specify the information you are referring to. Given the high volume of submissions please avoid sending links or attachments”.

ITREALMS recalls that "Internet for Trust" conference affords the governments, regulators, digital content platforms, civil society, legal actors and intergovernmental organizations, among others, to gather in this global effort to protect information as a public good.

“The conference will serve as a forum to debate the guidance document for digital platforms to act against the spread of harmful content online, while also protecting freedom of expression and other human rights. Together, let's shape an internet for trust,” the organisers enthused.

Remmy Nweke/DoP

1 comment:

Isabella Brown said...

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